Highlands members play a huge part of caring for families upon the death of a loved one. Part of the care provided is the coordination of a meal following the funeral, acting as a greeter/host should the services be at the church, and assisting the senior pastor and pastoral care minister with follow-up if needed.
Further grief ministry is available through the Minister of Pastoral Care and/or the Senior Pastor's office. Contact the church office if any of these services are desired.
Hospice care is a special kind of care that focuses on the quality of life for people who are experiencing an advanced, life-limiting illness and their caregivers. Hospice care provides compassionate care for people in the last phases of incurable disease so that they may live as fully and comfortably as possible.
The hospice philosophy accepts death as the final stage of life: it affirms life, but does not try to hasten or postpone death. Hospice care treats the person and symptoms of the disease, rather than treating the disease itself. A team of professionals work together to manage symptoms so that a person’s last days may be spent with dignity and quality, surrounded by their loved ones. Hospice care is also family-centered – it includes the patient and the family in making decisions.
In situations where hospice care is a reality, Highlands offers pastoral assistance for the Christian who is in need of further spiritual direction and care.
The Minister of Pastoral Care is directly involved in directing this care and works in partnership with other professionals caring for the individual.
These special members of the church family who are part of the shut-in or homebound family are not able to attend worship services are often the unseen members of the church.
Senior adults and those who are sick or confined to their homes, nursing homes or hospital beds, would love to attend worship services, church programs and other church events to experience the fellowship and community of their church family on a regular basis. Highlands has a special group of members who serve in this important ministry. Deacons are also responsible for serving the Lord's Supper to the shut ins and homebound. If you are interested in serving in this area or know of someone who would benefit from this ministry outreach, please contact the church office and request to speak with the Minister of Outreach & Evangelism or the Minister of Pastoral Care.
Highlands Baptist Church is involved in an outreach program called Explorers. These are individuals who connect with the church from numerous online avenues or come to us with various needs. HBC has established the office of Pastoral Care to help coordinate service to these in need. The goal is to get them on the path to God and to integrate them into the church and the watch care of the congregation and staff, and answer any questions about the church. These can be people who are simply looking for a church home or those who are suffering from depression, grief, loss, addiction, broken relationships, abuse and a host of other issues.
Care Givers
Sometimes life dishes out more than we bargained for - and not in a good way. At some point in every family, there comes a time when someone has been the victim of a stroke, heart attack, dementia, alzheimer's, accident and a host of other chronic issues. This is when there needs to be a wise and spiritual support, grounded in the Word and love, for the families and care givers of those individuals. If you or someone you know could benefit from a free support group with others who are going through these same issues, then reach out to the church office and we will get you connected with the appropriate leaders.
Everyone has faced or knows of someone who is facing the battle of addiction. No one is immune and no one is unaffected by it's deadly impact. The scourge of alcohol and drugs derails lives, destroys families and devastates whole communities.
HBC is currently planning an addiction and recovery outreach ministry for both those who are fighting addiction and for the family members of those who are in the struggle. We will endeavor to partner with area centers and ministries to provide the spiritual guidance and support needed for this epidemic of addiction.
There is hope.
In addition to serving as pastor of Highlands, Pastor Tim invites you to visit his Bible teaching websites for more in-depth Bible teaching audio, video, blogs, articles, podcasts, Q&A and more. Visit His Grace For All - YouTube, Facebook, website and multiple podcast platforms for more info.
You may reach Pastor Tim at 502-203-5883 or by email at pastortimonline@outlook.com.